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Services for MD manufacturers

Given the number of confounding factors in critically ill patients, sequestration in MDECs can only be definitively demonstrated by in vitro studies.

NeckEpur provides a versatile in vitro method to quantify and characterize the direct and intrinsic interaction of drugs by MDEC under real-world conditions of use. Used for more than 3 years, it is fast with an initial response within 2 to 5 weeks depending on the device, reproducible and ensuring solid results that guarantee safety in case of non-sequestration.

3 services are offered:

  • NeckEpur Express that confirms or excludes the phenomenon of sequestration
  • NeckEpur Standard, based on a standardized protocol and carried out according to GLP, characterizing sequestration
  • NeckEpur Premium, where the phenomenon is studied under the normal conditions of use of doses and duration of treatment. Minimization solutions will be studied to avoid early underdosing or late overdose by release of the drug by DMEC and thus improve patient management

More information to come about the description of our services. In the meantime, please contact us for information about our services.